Sunday, January 30, 2011

In the Kingship of God's Love

God's number one rule is that true love is absolute! Rev Moon and the Unification Church are proclaiming and protecting the "love rights" of humanity.
I would like to recommend that you blessed couples stay together as much as possible when you have the chance, even going to the bathroom together and whispering love to each other there. Share the equipment together and when you finish clean one another up. Would God look down and exclaim at how ridiculous and repulsive you are? No, He would be excited and uplifted to see such love. God's number one rule is that true love is absolute and in that case it doesn't make any difference where it is expressed - in the bathroom, in the garden; anywhere is fine and that love will bring ecstatic love to God.
If in order to promote such absolute love you end up in jail for several years, what does it matter? It makes your life more romantic and dramatic. There is no prison anywhere which can confine true love, no regulation which can stop the march of true love. Any law trying to do so shall melt away. Those who are trying to proclaim and practice such true love in the twentieth century are called Moonies.
People might look at your humble dress and pale faces and think you are really wretched people who do nothing but work all day on MFT or knocking on peoples' doors. Externally they might see that, but inside the motor is running and you have a big heart going after true love. Nothing under the sun can compare with the value of your heart. You should have pride; even though you may not be the most beautiful kind of person physically, you possess true, burning love centered upon God. You are princes and princesses of love and of heaven, and you shall have such a person as your husband and wife.
The person who conquers the universe with his true love is going to be your mate; he will be a king of love. He will be the only absolute king of love in your life; he will be your subject and master and for him you will write poetry and songs of love, pouring out your heart. God is almighty in that respect, and He has the ability to make each of you a king of love so you shall have such ecstatic joy as this. God is the king of kings of love and He is eager to see each of His children becoming kings of love, each creating his own empire of love where God can dwell.

1 comment:

  1. True Love is surely the hope of all people in the world. God is looking for men and women who are truly loving one another. Rev. Moon has offered a very wonderful paradigm for true love, and many couples testify to how he has helped them to find meaning, hope and joy in life. Jesus promised a world of True Love and it will surely come.

    Longing For Jesus To Return

    I see so much hope that the world can change with True Love guiding us. Rev. Sun Myung Moon has helped America in ways not yet understood by most of us.
