Sunday, January 30, 2011
Who Says You Can't Get Good News?
I can't say for sure but I'm guessing that 2000 years ago the major news media missed the boat on Jesus Christ, letting the most important news event of their time slip by without one positive story! Looks like the AP has learned from history and sent a news team to cover Rev Moons 90th birthday celebration. Good for them!
They weren't ready to go so far as to endorse Rev Moon and they had to throw in one reference to "brainwashing", but they stuck to the obvious facts and even had the guts to use the "M" word (that's Messiah) in this short clip. The video closes with an excellent quick interview with Hyung Jin Moon, Rev Moon's youngest son. Check it out.
70 years ago Rev Moon had an encounter with Jesus Christ. This spurred him to seek to unravel the tragic, tangled web of human history and clarify the very nature of God.
For over 50 years he has been teaching a new vision of man- man and woman of perfected character, in unity with God; the centrality of the family created by such men and women and the potential of an ideal world. His teachings are not bound by any one religion or culture or nationality but embrace all mankind in brotherhood with one Parent, God.
In the Kingship of God's Love
God's number one rule is that true love is absolute! Rev Moon and the Unification Church are proclaiming and protecting the "love rights" of humanity.
I would like to recommend that you blessed couples stay together as much as possible when you have the chance, even going to the bathroom together and whispering love to each other there. Share the equipment together and when you finish clean one another up. Would God look down and exclaim at how ridiculous and repulsive you are? No, He would be excited and uplifted to see such love. God's number one rule is that true love is absolute and in that case it doesn't make any difference where it is expressed - in the bathroom, in the garden; anywhere is fine and that love will bring ecstatic love to God.
If in order to promote such absolute love you end up in jail for several years, what does it matter? It makes your life more romantic and dramatic. There is no prison anywhere which can confine true love, no regulation which can stop the march of true love. Any law trying to do so shall melt away. Those who are trying to proclaim and practice such true love in the twentieth century are called Moonies.
People might look at your humble dress and pale faces and think you are really wretched people who do nothing but work all day on MFT or knocking on peoples' doors. Externally they might see that, but inside the motor is running and you have a big heart going after true love. Nothing under the sun can compare with the value of your heart. You should have pride; even though you may not be the most beautiful kind of person physically, you possess true, burning love centered upon God. You are princes and princesses of love and of heaven, and you shall have such a person as your husband and wife.
The person who conquers the universe with his true love is going to be your mate; he will be a king of love. He will be the only absolute king of love in your life; he will be your subject and master and for him you will write poetry and songs of love, pouring out your heart. God is almighty in that respect, and He has the ability to make each of you a king of love so you shall have such ecstatic joy as this. God is the king of kings of love and He is eager to see each of His children becoming kings of love, each creating his own empire of love where God can dwell.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Elevating Humanity
Some people say believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Rev Moon has seen something in people that no one has seen before, are you ready to believe?
God And Man Are Inseparable
Perfection cannot be attained by man alone nor even by God alone. Man's perfection can only be attained in relation to God, and God can only achieve His highest perfection in relation to man. Even in the very concept of creation God and man are inseparable. The fulfillment of God's goal and man's goal is not accomplished up in the air. God wants to see that perfection attained here on earth. This is why we do not actually rise up to God's position. Instead God comes down to us because He wants to make His dwelling with men. Some people might ask how we could know this. Let me ask you, do you like a man who just talks, talks, talks, without even accomplishing one single deed? Do you like people who say, "I have a great idea and a great philosophy and I can unite the world," but they turn around and do nothing about it? Do you prefer a man of action or a man of empty words? You respect the man of action.
Talk Is Cheap In Heaven and On Earth
This is precisely how God feels. Is there anyone who has a bigger ideal than God? God wants to have His ideal actualized but because he is spirit He cannot do it by Himself. He needs man to actualize it. You thought God was almighty and all-perfect, but actually He has a weakness: without us even God cannot be perfected. God is not floating around up in heaven; His entire attention is right here on earth, focused on every human soul. God is seeking true men and women here on earth to fulfill His desire in action and deed.
I want you to come to an important realization: Your one life here on earth is your most precious and unique opportunity in all eternity. This is your chance to resurrect not only yourselves but also God. You can perfect not only your own goal but also God's goal. What a great opportunity! In this respect our lives here on earth are so precious. The invisible God who put all the creation together cannot exchange anything for one man's life on earth.
One Man Is More Precious...
Why is man's physical life so important? God and all the creation cannot be brought to perfection without man. Therefore the value of God plus all the creation still cannot surpass the value of one true man. One man is that precious. That man is the key to the realization of man's perfection and God's perfection. According to the Bible you cannot exchange even the entire universe for one man. "For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole universe and forfeits his life?" Even the entire universe is of no value to you if you lose your own life.
God And Man Are Inseparable
Perfection cannot be attained by man alone nor even by God alone. Man's perfection can only be attained in relation to God, and God can only achieve His highest perfection in relation to man. Even in the very concept of creation God and man are inseparable. The fulfillment of God's goal and man's goal is not accomplished up in the air. God wants to see that perfection attained here on earth. This is why we do not actually rise up to God's position. Instead God comes down to us because He wants to make His dwelling with men. Some people might ask how we could know this. Let me ask you, do you like a man who just talks, talks, talks, without even accomplishing one single deed? Do you like people who say, "I have a great idea and a great philosophy and I can unite the world," but they turn around and do nothing about it? Do you prefer a man of action or a man of empty words? You respect the man of action.
Talk Is Cheap In Heaven and On Earth
This is precisely how God feels. Is there anyone who has a bigger ideal than God? God wants to have His ideal actualized but because he is spirit He cannot do it by Himself. He needs man to actualize it. You thought God was almighty and all-perfect, but actually He has a weakness: without us even God cannot be perfected. God is not floating around up in heaven; His entire attention is right here on earth, focused on every human soul. God is seeking true men and women here on earth to fulfill His desire in action and deed.
I want you to come to an important realization: Your one life here on earth is your most precious and unique opportunity in all eternity. This is your chance to resurrect not only yourselves but also God. You can perfect not only your own goal but also God's goal. What a great opportunity! In this respect our lives here on earth are so precious. The invisible God who put all the creation together cannot exchange anything for one man's life on earth.
One Man Is More Precious...
Why is man's physical life so important? God and all the creation cannot be brought to perfection without man. Therefore the value of God plus all the creation still cannot surpass the value of one true man. One man is that precious. That man is the key to the realization of man's perfection and God's perfection. According to the Bible you cannot exchange even the entire universe for one man. "For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole universe and forfeits his life?" Even the entire universe is of no value to you if you lose your own life.
Elevating Humanity
Human Beings come in two styles- man or woman and as they say in France, "Viva la difference!"
Had Adam, the first human ancestor, reached perfection, he would have embodied all the subject elements in the things of creation. Had Eve attained perfection, she would have embodied all the object elements in the things of creation. God created Adam and Eve to have dominion over the natural world. Growing together toward perfection, Adam was to become the king of all the subject elements in creation and Eve was to become the queen of all the object elements. If they had then become one as husband and wife, they would have become the center that could rule the entire universe consisting of subject partners and object partners.
Had Adam, the first human ancestor, reached perfection, he would have embodied all the subject elements in the things of creation. Had Eve attained perfection, she would have embodied all the object elements in the things of creation. God created Adam and Eve to have dominion over the natural world. Growing together toward perfection, Adam was to become the king of all the subject elements in creation and Eve was to become the queen of all the object elements. If they had then become one as husband and wife, they would have become the center that could rule the entire universe consisting of subject partners and object partners.
Human beings are created to be the center of harmony of the whole cosmos. If Adam and Eve had attained perfection and united as husband and wife, it would have meant the joining into oneness of the two centers of the dual characteristics of all beings. Had Adam and Eve moved together in harmony and attained oneness, the whole cosmos with its dual characteristics would have danced in harmony. The place where Adam and Eve become perfectly one in heart and body as husband and wife is also the place where God and human beings become united. This is the center of goodness where the purpose of creation is fulfilled. Here God, our Parent, draws near and abides within His perfected children and rests peacefully for eternity. This center of goodness is the object partner to God's eternal love, where God can be stimulated with joy for eternity. This is the place where the Word of God is incarnated and brought to fulfillment.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Who Are We?
From the beginning of time men have struggled in the relationships they build. Between men and women, between culture and culture, even between nation and nation, we have seen man's inhumanity towards man. Without knowing who we are we can never establish true human relationships. The following passage from Divine Principle clearly identifies what it is to be human.
Created beings other than humans are endowed with the innate nature to grow to maturity naturally and become object partners which bring God joy. Human beings, on the other hand, can become true and authentic object partners who bring joy to God only through their free will and free actions. They cannot become the object partners who inspire God with joy unless they understand His Will and make effort to live accordingly. Hence, human beings are endowed with emotional sensitivity to the Heart of God, intuition and reason to comprehend His Will, and the requisite abilities to practice it. A person who relates with God in this manner will attain perfection of his individual character. Adam and Eve prior to the Fall, as well as the prophets of every age, had some ability to converse with God because they had these innate faculties.
The relationship between God and a person who has attained individual perfection can be compared to that between the mind and the body. The body is the dwelling place of the mind and moves according to the mind's direction. Likewise, God abides within the mind of a fully mature person. Such a person becomes a temple of God and leads his life in harmony with His Will. A perfect individual is fully attuned to God, just as the body resonates with the mind. For this reason it is written, "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" and "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you." A person who has perfected his individual character becomes a temple of God, and the Holy Spirit abides within him. Living in oneness with God, he acquires a divine nature. Thus, it is impossible for him to commit sin or to fall.
Had Adam and Eve reached perfection, being thereafter insusceptible to sin, they would have borne good children and founded a sinless family and society in complete concordance with God's blessings. They would have founded the Kingdom of Heaven, which consists of one great family with the same parents. The Kingdom of Heaven has the form of an individual who has achieved perfection of character. Just as the members of the human body are coordinated in horizontal relationships with each other and move as one in response to the vertical commands of the brain, in this society people will form cooperative horizontal relationships with each other and live together in tune with the vertical directions emanating from God. No one will harm his neighbor, since if one person were to suffer pain, everyone in this society would experience the Heart of God who shares in that person's grief.
Regardless of the purity of the people of this society, if they were living in primitive circumstances like cavemen, this could not be considered the Kingdom of Heaven which both God and human beings desire. God gave us the mandate to have dominion over all things. Hence, to realize the ideal of creation, people of perfected character should advance science, harness the natural world, and create an extremely pleasant social and living environment. This will be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Once people have attained full maturity and enjoyed life in God's earthly Kingdom, then when they shed their physical bodies and pass into the spirit world, they will form the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven. Accordingly, God's primary purpose of creation is to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
This is the theory of the ideal idividual, family and society. In practice this family Rev Moon described looks like this:
What is the definition of the ideal family? The ideal family possesses the eternal love of God; the ideal family possesses the everlasting love of husband and wife, and the ideal family will have love between parents and children, These three eternal and lasting loves combined together will make an eternal family.
Married people, if you love your own wife, if you love your own husband, then when you look at other men or women, you will respect and admire them just as you do your own family members. For men, the female world is an extension of the world of your wife. One woman was selected out of all the billions of women as a representative woman. A woman must think of her husband as the representative of the entire male race, the symbol or center of the male race.
When you go to the spirit world, that world works like this: The person who has lots of love toward his own parents, toward his own brothers and sisters, husband or wife, and children, that is, the person who experiences a deep sense of love in family life will have much, much freedom to maneuver. He can go horizontally in all directions, everywhere without any limitation. In contrast, a person who has no experience of love is narrow-minded. He isolates himself in spirit world and has no freedom at all.
The love between parents and children is a vertical relationship; the love between a husband and wife is a horizontal relationship, and the love between brothers and sisters is a circling, surrounding relationship. These three relationships are different. If you experience here on earth a deep sense of love in these three different ways, then you will be able to maneuver vertically without limitation, horizontally without limitation, and circle around without limitation. Those who did not taste parental love because of the early death of a parent, for example, are tragic people in a way, because they lack that very important aspect of experience. Likewise, those people who never experienced family life, the husband and wife relationship, are also in a way very poor in spirit world because they lack one important aspect of life. Also, those without brothers and sisters are in a poor position because they can not live a full life in spirit world with one whole area of experience lacking. A wholesome family life, therefore, has grandparents, parents and children. If one generation is lacking, the family somehow feels crippled. The ideal family alone can serve as the building block of the Kingdom of God on earth.
If we can create, that is live in, an ideal family we can create an ideal society, culture, world, universe! That is the great purpose and meaning of human life. We have the mission to create an ideal family here on earth.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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